Ketamine Addiction (Special “K”)


What is Ketamine?

In the 1980s, Ketamine began to be used as a highly sought-after recreational drug.  Referred to as a Club Drug, we know, What is a Club Drug? Hang-on. What is Ketamine? Known as “K” or Special-K, it is classified with other drugs such as Ecstasy, GHB, and Crystal Meth, as many club-goers frequently use these drugs to “enhance” their clubbing experience.

Ketamine is sold as a dry, white powder or a clear liquid.  The powder is made from the clear liquid by drying the liquid out.  The residue from the drying process is then crushed and snorted in small doses.  It can also be injected or smoked with tobacco or marijuana.  Whether smoked or snorted, the euphoric effects begin immediately (within a few minutes) and usually last less than an hour. In large doses, Ketamine produces effects similar to PCP.  Users report feeling as if they are in a dreamlike state and experience hallucinations.  Users describe feeling as if they are drunk, stoned, and tripping all at the same time. Ketamine drug addiction is possible through continued and sustained use.

Dangerous effects of Ketamine include the user being insensitive to physical pain. This could be dangerous if the person actually experiences a serious injury and does not seek treatment because they do not feel any pain and may not realize how serious the injury is.

As with other illegal drugs, it is difficult to determine a person’s reaction to a specific drug.  Some users report having a bad reaction to Ketamine.  The drug can impair a person’s judgment and ability to drive and cause violent paranoia, agitation, and confusion.  Users report being put in a state called a “k-hole,”; where they become unable to communicate or move.  These users report “feeling far away from their body” and describe this “k-hole” as having an out-of-body experience or near-death experience.  While some users may find this “state” thrilling, others find it very frightening and disturbing.  Because Ketamine can also render a person paralyzed, it is also very popular as a date rape drug.

One of the most dangerous aspects of Ketamine is that it is difficult to regulate the “dose.”  There is only a slight difference in dose between the desired euphoric effects of the drug and an actual overdose.  Ketamine is a depressant at high doses and can dangerously reduce a person’s heart rate and respiratory function.  When used with other substances such as alcohol, Valium, or GHB, the user may experience serious medical consequences. The use of Ketamine can also produce delirium, amnesia, impaired motor function, or depression.  Between 1994 and 1998, there were a purported 46 deaths associated with use.

Although studies on the long-term effects are still being conducted, there has been some evidence to suggest that Ketamine can impair learning ability, attention, and memory.  Similar to other hallucinogenics, it can also cause severe flashbacks.  Frequent use in high doses can disrupt consciousness, which may lead to neurosis or other mental disorders.

Signs of Ketamine Abuse

Ketamine reacts in a very short time and many people usually use it to avoid pain. Therefore, when Ketamine Addiction sets in you notice someone is not receptive to pain for a short period of time, then this can be an indication that they are already on ketamine. Other than this, ketamine will slow down the locomotive capability of people making them to be rather slow or sluggish in their movements. As a result therefore, such persons will appear to be as if walking in a slow motion. Otherwise, most symptoms of ketamine abuse will be same as those of alcohol abuse.

Dialectal Behavioral Therapy

Effects of Ketamine Addiction & Abuse

The use of ketamine over a long period of time has really disturbing side effects. These are likely to be manifested in almost all parts of the body starting with the brain right down to the lower limbs. For instance, using ketamine over a long period of time will lead to stomach problems such as abdominal pains and diarrhea. It also has devastating effects on the bladder and urinary tract. It will make the walls of such organs to become very thick and sometimes this can happen and stop the victim from urinating. Kidney and brain damages are also known to be some of the effects of using ketamine over a long period of time.

Overcome Ketamine Addiction with Professional Help – Contact Us Today

Finding recovery is possible. Reach out to learn more about our tailored treatment programs.

Getting Help for Ketamine Addiction

If you or someone you care about is struggling with ketamine addiction, it’s important to seek professional help as soon as possible. Recovery begins with the first step: reaching out. Our specialized treatment programs are designed to address both the physical and emotional challenges of ketamine addiction, guiding you through a safe and supportive recovery journey.

With expert care from medical professionals and addiction specialists, we offer a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your individual needs. Whether it’s detoxification, therapy, or ongoing aftercare, we are here to provide the support you need to regain control of your life and achieve lasting recovery.

Don’t wait to get the help you deserve—contact us today to start your journey to a healthier, addiction-free future.

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