Inhalant Addiction


What Are Inhalants?

Inhalants are breathable chemicals that produce mind-altering vapors providing a psychotropic behavioral-change or effect. Hence, the term for this behavior is known as “Huffing”. People don’t think about inhalants as illicit substances and as a result, most of the products contributing to abuse were not meant to be used in this manner. Close to 3 million children, aged 12 to 17 use inhalants inappropriately.

Nearly all inhalants provide soothing anesthetic effects that decelerate bodily functions, while the user feels euphoric. Thousands of readily available products are consumable as inhalants. These agents are legal, popular, and inexpensive but deadly and addictive. Products found in unusual places around a residence should be recognized and investigated as potential evidence of inhalant addiction.

Inhalant Abuse and Addiction

Inhalants are most commonly used by teens and are a gateway to more dangerous drugs. Inhalants may be “huffed” (soaking a rag), “sniffed” or “dusted (directly from the container), or used by “bagging” (vapors inhaled from a bag). “Dusting” is the use of Dust-Off spray or Air-Duster used to clean computer parts. Inhaling these products can produce chemical burns or cold-temperature burns on the tongue, lips, face, and fingertips. The chemicals inside these products evaporate quickly at room temperature causing them cool quickly. In fact, frost may be seen on the end of the delivery straw.

Inhalant Abuse and Addiction

Indicators of Inhalant use:

Street Names / Slang Terms for Inhaling & Inhalants:

Anesthetic Agents:

Volatile Solvents, Aerosols and Isobutyl Nitrites:

Short-Term Effects may include:

Long-Term Effects may include:

* Psychological effects occur rapidly because the substance travels directly to the brain after passing through the lungs and the left side of the heart.

Psychological Effects of Inhalant Addiction:

Get the Help You Need Today

People young and old alike who want to escape from their current environment or mental state are drawn to this “Gateway” drug. Since most of these inexpensive substances are found on shelves at common hardware stores, and therefore, not seen as bad for one’s health, can be dangerously appealing and highly addictive. If you or a loved one need help overcoming an addiction to inhalants please contact us today.

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