a man wearing white polo calling a drug and alcohol rehab in huntington beach california

Continued Contact

Continuing care for everlasting sobriety

Many Treatment Providers are not designed for long term continued care and this is where Sober Partners Network can help. Our goal at Sober Partners is to help a client reach the important milestone of 1 year of continuous sobriety.

Sober Partners Network offers structured follow up routines, fun activities, random alcohol and drug testing and is always available for the families and loved ones of the client if they should have any questions or concerns.

Our Intensive Track Counselors play an important role in our client’s after care and continued care and can make all the difference between sobriety and relapse further down the line. Intensive Track services fall under the Sober Partners Sober Advisor Services and pricing.

men during treatment program at Sober Partners Huntington Beach CA
Sober Partners Clients during their treatment
Men's empowerment
male and female clients carrying their surf boards in newport beach CA
women doing some exercises as part of their addiction treatment in orange county california
men and women playing volleyball in the beach as part of their addiction treatment at sober partners huntington beach california
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